About Michelle Holmes

Michelle Holmes

Michelle is a hypnotherapist and healing consultant who supports individuals in breaking free from the effects of personal and collective trauma through the practice of applied self-love and self-care.

Trained in the tools of manifestation and leadership at Stanford University and integrative health coaching at Duke Integrative Medicine, she holds certifications as a Havening Techniques Practitioner, Clarity Breathwork practitioner, and Reiki master practitioner. Michelle’s training as a Compassionate Ericksonian Hypnotherapist was certified by the British Hypnosis Training and Research Institute under the teaching of Stephen Brooks.

Following her rewarding executive leadership career in news media and raising three children, Michelle embarked on her own healing journey. Realizing that inner peace is the birthright of all people, she traveled the world, learning from great teachers from various traditions. As the Founder of Heart’s Ease Hypnosis, she is dedicated to helping individuals heal old wounds of unworthiness and embrace the life-changing gifts of self-love.

Michelle specializes in fear and anxiety management, nervous system regulation, inner-child healing, and fostering self-love and confidence across all genders, races, religions, and abilities. Residing near the Indiana Dunes National Park in Valparaiso with her husband, she conducts client sessions via Zoom, extending her reach to individuals worldwide.

Why Choose Us?

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Private Transformation Sessions

Private sessions are designed to offer immediate relief from anxiety and fear symptoms by helping you enter a gentle yet powerful hypnotic trance, where the mind can easily receive the powerful medicine of self-compassion and self-love.

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Teaching For Home Practice

Clients learn powerful, science-backed practices to integrate and strengthen the healing work between sessions.

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Completely Digital & Virtual

Our virtual appointments allow you to be held in the comfort of your home (often our clients see us from their own beds).